Thursday, April 4, 2024

PAD Day 4: Bonus Haiku

 So here is my response to NaPoWriMo's prompt to base a poem on something from Thomas R.Henry's collection of weird nature facts, The Strangest Things in the World World. It makes for fascinating reading (although Henry had a penchant for hyperbole), and I spent a fair amount of time perusing it, but the only poem to result was a single haiku based on his entry about a species of glow worm that lives in a grotto in New Zealand. The imagery really stuck with me.

on the grotto’s dome
glow worms mimic the night sky
they will never see

1 comment:

Vince Gotera said...

Wow, that's quite a kicker in the last line. You should try to publish that, though the 5-7-5 might throw some editors.