Friday, April 26, 2019

PAD Day 26: A Ghazal Serenade

Today's dual prompts from Poetic Asides and NaPoWriMo: (1) Write an "evening" poem, and (2) write a poem that uses repetition. I thought immediately of using a poetic form based on repetition. There are a lot, especially the French forms, but I decided to go with the ancient Middle Eastern form of the ghazal.


The colors shift red to blue, clouds form this evening;
it's in the bones - likely it will storm this evening.

Like damp laundry, humid air hangs on all of us;
even fans can't save us, it's so warm this evening.

Verandas, open porches may give some relief,
but the bugs revel - mosquitoes swarm this evening.

With distant rumble, lightning flashes cloud-to-cloud;
our cold drinks sweat, waiting to transform this evening.

And I, the sly guitarist, neatly tune my strings.
Damn the heat, my love - I will perform this evening.