Thursday, November 14, 2019

PAD Chapbook Challenge Days 10-12

Almost caught up with posting my daily poems for Robert Lee Brewer's November Chapbook Challenge on the Poetic Asides blog.  Here are three more with the prompts that inspried them:

[Day 10: Write a "Blank of Blank" (_____ of ______) poem, using that phrase as your title]
[This was another poem for which I employed the weekly word bank on the Sunday Whirl blog - the words were thick, brew, milk, salty, card, rights, marching, like, champ, millennials, true, luscious.]

Cup of... Coffee?

Thick, steamy, sweet,
with a heart drawn in foam on top,
a grande cup of brew -
java, steamed milk, and maybe
a shot of salty caramel.

You queue up to the barista
and flash your member card,
demanding  your rights to caffeination
to get you marching through the day
like a champ.

Is this really what coffee has become?
Don't blame it on millennials;
you know what's true -

you think it's luscious too.

[Day 11: Write a "prime" poem. I decided to write a "prime number" poem - kind of like a "Fibonacci poem", except instead of a Fibonacci number sequence, I used the sequence of prime numbers - 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19 and back down again to 1.]


have we
this tower of words
building itself on itself
reaching beyond our reach, high into the clouds
till the air gets thin, and we climb stratospheric heights
only to find that we don't understand one another anymore
what's the use in trying to touch the stars when we can't even communicate
pull back from that darkness, look at the darkness in your neighbor's face and
say take my hand, it's all right, climb down with me, and we can
breathe again, we can find something in common
we love, help me take the bricks
apart, build a place
where all of
us can

[Day 12: Write a form and/or anti-form poem. I decided to write a triolet.]


You troubleshooter, in demand,
I want to know: Who fixes you?
A crying shoulder, helping hand,
a troubleshooter on demand,
a schedule most could not withstand.
Who picks you up when you are blue,
or troubled, shot from all demands?
I want to know: Who fixes you?

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