Sunday, November 24, 2019

PAD Chapbook Challenge Day 24

Today's prompt from Poetic Asides: Write a "dialog" poem. I presume that means a poem containing some dialog rather than once comprised completely of dialog. (I did write a poem in April called "after seeing Star Wars", which was almost completely dialog, between a five-year-old boy and his dad - that was fun to write.) For this once, I added the challenge of using the word bank from this week's Sunday Whirl blog. The words were born, wash, scream, once, lit, beam, dance, chase, bond, found, puzzle, and sit.


"I wasn't born to wash the dishes," he says.
"Maybe I'll get them later."

Sometimes she just wants to scream.
Once upon a time his face lit up to see her
and she would beam right back.
Back in the day they would dance
till the band went home,
or chase a sunrise into the morning.
There's still a bond between them,
but sometimes it strains to rip apart
when she feels that she is pulling
much more than her own weight.

He's found the Sunday crossword puzzle,
and sits down to solve it.
"Honey, what's a five-letter word for
'an animal or a deadly sin'?"
"I don't know," she replies.
"How many letters are in your name?"

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