Saturday, April 10, 2021

PAD Challenge Day 10: Peace, Love, and the Junk Drawer

 Today's prompts from Write Better Poetry is to write a poem with the title "Get _________." NaPoWriMo's prompt is more challenging, but  it's basically this: (1) Find a favorite song, listen to it, and take notes on your impressions are you are listening. (2) Rummage through a "junk drawer" in your house (we all have them) and look at or discover the objects, and take notes during that process. (3) Combine the two sets of notes you made and write a poem. 

I admit I didn't do a "deep dive" into that exercise, which seems to want to elicit a stream-of-consciousness response. Instead, I kept thinking about the old song "Get Together" by the Youngbloods, then listened to it a couple of times and reviewed the lyrics, then went through one of several "junk drawers" in my house. This is my result, for what it's worth.

Get Together

You hold the key to love and fear
All in your trembling hands....
- Jesse Colin Young
Rummaging through the junk drawer
in my desk for a pair of scissors,
I hear the radio in the background playing
that old Sixties tune by the Youngbloods -
how we're a moment's sunlight
fading in the grass,

how we can make the mountains sing
and the angels cry
that we need to love one another,
and so on.
Still rooting through that jumbled drawer,
I find rubber bands, staples, paper clips, glue -
all things that bind and fasten, but nothing
that cuts apart. I'm back to that song again -
a naive sentiment, some may say,
left over from the "hippie" era,
but one we need to resurrect for our own sakes,
before the darkness, darkness takes over.
I smile at my drawer full of metaphors
and think,
I still need to find those scissors.


Vince Gotera said...

Fun poem, thanks! "Get Together" brings me back to Catholic high school, where the song was often played in services.

Manja Mexi said...

I can get behind everything here and smile along.