Monday, November 30, 2020

November Chapbook Challenge Dy 30: Don't Let the Door Hit Your...

 Today's prompt from Robert Lee Brewer: Write an "exit" poem. I didn't want to get as political as I did this month, but it's almost impossible not to, with all the heat generated from a historically unique presidential election. particularly a clear loser who refuses to concede. I won't say more, or I'll rant for another hour. I'll just let my poem do the talking.

Exit Strategies
balloon like
the Magnificent Oz
tunnel to
your underground lair
handcuffs, jumpsuit
for broken laws
a self-pardon
(so very unfair)
whatever works, nemesis,
vacate the premises


Vince Gotera said...

Bruce, this is my favorite for the whole 30 days. Great job all month!

Bruce Niedt said...

Thanks, Vince!