Wednesday, April 12, 2023

PAD Day 12: How Now, Brown Poem

 Today's prompts from Write Better Poetry and NaPoWriMo: (1) Write a "sound" poem, and (2) "write a poem that addresses itself or some aspect of its self."

I sort of did the second prompt yesterday - my poem "Knocking Things Over" was rather "meta" as it addressed the poet who wrote the epigraph I used. Today's poem is inspired by another "meta" poem I came across. (here's the link if you would like to read it.) The "sound" prompt is addressed by all the similar vowel sounds (assonance) in the poem.

Assonance Makes the Heart...
(after "This Poem" by Vona Groarke)
This poem makes sounds with its mouth.
This poem says "ow" with a large round O
that gets smaller.  
This poem is the mouse
escaped from that Billy Collins poem
that  now cowers in your house. 
This poem is a night owl that stays out all hours.
This poem carouses downtown with flowers in its hair
and drinks whiskey sours.
This poem  has superpowers.
This poem is no coward.
This poem loves April showers
and lives in an ivory tower.
This poem was lost but now it's found.
This poem's name is Howard Brown.
This poem is a cow,
or maybe a sow.
This poem is floundering.
This poem is going south.
This poem is done now.


Vince Gotera said...

Bruce: that's a fun poem. Bravo! said...

Yes.. love your sense of humor as well as your sense of words.

Manja Mexi said...

Brilliant, just the title is wrong. It would surely need to be... Howard Brown. :D