Sunday, April 9, 2023

PAD Day 9: Golden

 Today's prompts from NaPoWriMo and Write Better Poetry: (1) Write a love sonnet, and (2) write a "number" poem. I had a busy but enjoyable Easter with family today, but managed to bang out a sonnet, one of my favorite poetic forms. This is a traditional Shakespearean sonnet about a momentous event happening to a certain couple later this year.

Those two young things caught in a wedding pose
had no idea what curve balls life would throw
at them, the storms and sun, the weed and rose.
They owned ten cars, and each one had to go
through potholes, black ice, snow, and rocky climbs.
But there was smooth, straight highway too. Along
the way, four boys had jumped aboard, and times
became more interesting. Some things went wrong
but many more went right. And now we've reached
this peak where we look down and survey all
we have accomplished, challenges we've breached,
the glue of love to fix us when we'd fall.
Some days we feel young; some days, decades old.
We've gone through paper, silver, up to gold.


Vince Gotera said...

Great sonnet. I'm guessing this is autobiographical, so congrats!

Bruce Niedt said...
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Bruce Niedt said...
