Today's prompts from NaPoWriMo and Write Better Poetry: (1) Write a list poem, and (2) write a "small" poem (as in a small/short poem, or about something small.) I combined all of this and write a short-ish poem with a list of "small things" that most of us would never miss:
Little Things We
Could Do Without
mosquitoes, splinters,
that Lego under a bare foot
hangnails, junk mail,
apostrophes in the wrong places
bedbugs, kidney stones,
that troll who insulted you on Facebook
yellowjackets, viruses,
that guy that cut you off at the light
that Lego under a bare foot
apostrophes in the wrong places
that troll who insulted you on Facebook
that guy that cut you off at the light
Bruce ... wow, that last line. That's a kicker, fasure. Great work again. I think you should do a collection of April poems like mine. I'm thinking I may soon have a book of curtal sonnets.
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