Monday, April 2, 2012

NaPoWriMo 2012

Happy National Poetry Month! Once again, I'm going to take up the poem-a-day challenge, but this year with a twist: I will be posting my daily poems right here. I thought it would be a good way to force this dusty old blog into action again. As always, I'll be following Robert Brewer's blog, Poetic Asides, but I will also be following Maureen Thorson's blog, NaPoWriMo 2012. This means I will have two writing prompts to work with each day, and my intent is - crazy as it sounds - to create one poem from both of them. Here, for example, is my first poem of the month, based on the dual prompts to write a triolet and to write a poem about communication. Submitted for your approval (as Rod Serling used to say), my communication triolet:


I do not have a Facebook page.
My friends think I live in a cave.
I know we’re in the Info Age
but I don’t have a Facebook page.
Why do I spurn this social gauge?
Well, I think that I’m rather brave.
I do not have a Facebook page.
My friends think I live in a cave.

I'm already a day behind here, so God willing and the creek don't rise, I will try to post my April 2nd poem later today - after I write it, that is. Stay tuned!

(P.S. Actually, I really do have a Facebook page.)

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