Monday, April 24, 2017

PAD Day 24: Monks Just Want to Have Fun

Today's prompts from Poetic Asides and NaPoWriMo: (1) write a "faith" poem, and (2) write an ekphrastic poem based on marginalia, the little doodles and fanciful illustrations that medieval monks drew on their manuscripts.  These two prompts seemed to mesh almost perfectly today, os here is my result.

[poem deleted]

And here's a few weird little haiku based on some of the illustrations I saw:

cat-snail, you are slow -
you love milk and hate salt but
you're never homeless

wolphant, you are huge -
every full moon we hear you
trumpet at the moon

fish, you're so angry
you've sprouted two human arms
to go catch a man

1 comment:

Vince Gotera said...

I love the little haiku esp. the one about the fish that grew arms. Which also happen to have feet! Fun, Bruce.