Friday, April 17, 2020

PAD Day 17: Exotic Telephones

Today's prompts from Poetic Asides and NaPoWriMo: (1) Write an "exotic" poem, and (2) write a poem the features "forgotten technology". My poem just makes passing reference to the idea of "exotic", but it works in a few bits of "forgotten technology":

Boomer's Lament

You creatures from another dimension
or generation, how can you not know
how to dial a phone? It's something exotic
to you, and when confronted with such
a contraption, your fingers don't know
what to do. And what about cassette tapes?
Do you know how much careful editing
it took to make the perfect mix tape?
Have you any idea how to play one,
or why a pencil is so important
to its maintenance? And what about
typewriters, cursive writing, analog clocks?
TVs the size of small fridges, with rabbit ears?
They might as well be from another planet,
or some mythical, foreign land. They are relics
from another century, I'll grant you that,
and you may never completely fathom
what they meant to me growing up.
Meanwhile, I'm having trouble
with my computer - can you fix it?

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