Monday, April 20, 2020

PAD Day 20: A Handmades Tale

Today's poems from Poetic Asides and NaPoWriMo: (1)Write an "isolation" poem, and (2) write a poem about a handmade gift you received. I actually wrote a poem yesterday titled "Isolation", but I'll give it another go today.

When it comes to poems about handmade gifts, I don't think anyone can top "The Lanyard" by Billy Collins. Here's a video of him reading it. (I was at this reading, by the way, at the Dodge Poetry Festival - I think this was in 2008. Billy has always been one of my favorites, and I got to work with him in  Key West in 2015.)

Here's my attempt at a "handmade" poem, with an element of "isolation". (I have a birthday coming up soon, so this is just an imagining of what it could be like.)

Drive-by Birthday

This year there is no party
in the traditional sense,
but friends and relatives send him
best wishes via internet,
and a few drive by his house,
honking with balloons and signs,
singing "Happy Birthday",
and some even drop off gifts.

He and his wife are "high-risk",
so they almost never venture out,
but she manages to cook him a special dinner.
They watch a movie they've wanted
to see for months, and she gives him
a handmade card on construction paper
with a rough sketch of flowers on the front
and a sweet sentiment inside.

I couldn't get to the card shop, she says,
teary-eyed. I'm sorry it's not something better.
No, he says, taking her hand.
It's perfect.

1 comment:

Vince Gotera said...

Cool poem. Nice story about how love transcends. Bravo!