Tuesday, April 7, 2020

PAD Day 7: A Cosmic Fellow Traveler

Today's prompts from Poetic Asides and NaPoWriMo: (1) Write a "lucky" and/or "unlucky" poem, and (2) write a popem based on a news headline. NaPoWriMo gives four examples of unusual headlines with links to read the articles, and one particularly caught my attention because (a) I like to write about the cosmic and astronomical, and (b) the headline itself had a bit of a poetic meter to it. So here is my light verse about a recent phenomenon involving our dear planet.

Tiny Moon

Earth has acquired a brand new moon that's about the size of a car.
 - Headline from NewScientist, February 20, 2020

Earth has acquired a brand new moon
and it's about the size of a car,
smaller, in fact, than our everyday moon,
and a mote in the eye of a star.

As big as a Chevy Malibu,
a hitchhiker along for the ride,
its orbit a six-week oval, too -
much too small, though, to pull on a tide.

They dubbed it CD2020,
which is not too romantic a name,
but our big moon is already plenty
for lovers to share in their game.

Besides, it's only temporary,
it will slingshot soon back into space.
But it got lucky - we got to carry
it for a short while through this cosmic race.

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