Thursday, April 9, 2020

PAD Day 9: Something Concrete

Today's prompts from Poetic Asides and NaPoWriMo: (1) write an ekphrasitc poem, and (2) write a concrete poem. These two prompts are a bit tough to reconcile, but not impossible. Robert Brewer of Poetic Asides offered five photographs that we could use as inspiration, and I chose the one of an hourglass, then used its shape for my concrete poem. Another reason I picked the houglass is that I'm pretty bad at HTML coding, which is often necessary for formatting text into designs or shapes. An hourglass is pretty easy. This is untitled, but I'm calling it "the glass between..."

the glass between me and the world
where danger is more miniscule
than sand keeps me from
hazards, but every day
feels more cramped,
squeezed in, as
if I am a grain
that sifts
and one day,
out the other side
where things open up
and all the other grains and I
slip into a larger place, fall into
a space where everything is clear
and we have all the time in the world


Jenna said...

You used a simple shape, but it's very effective. The middle part is perfect!

Ken / rivrvlogr said...

Well done.