Friday, April 3, 2020

PAD Day 3: Sorry to Bring Down the Room, but...

... it's taking a while to blow through these feelings of anxiety and depression over our current situation, so my poem today is reflective of that. I promise I'll eventually produce something more amusing or uplifting. Today's prompts from Poetic Asides and NaPoWri Mo are (1) Write a poem titled "Follow _____", and (2) Make a list of ten words using any source, random or otherwise, then use a site called Rhymezone to get a few rhyming or near-rhyming words for each one, then use that word bank to write a poem. (You don't have to use every word in the bank.) I went to my "go-to" site for the random words (The Sunday Whirl) and I got these: maze, trapped, land, hand, stash, chatter, armed, wreck, saw, crawl, back, last. i used them all, with some other words suggested by Rhymezone, to come up with this:

Follow the Maze

Trapped in a shut-down land
where one hand washes the other -
in the basement, a toilet-paper stash.
TV chatter that after a while
doesn't even matter,
armed to the teeth with numbers, numbers -
and an amazingly bureaucratic wreck
that can't get out of a corn maze
with a chain saw, everything slowed
to a crawl. People need breathing room
and machines, and their jobs back,
and cash back, and no more fear
of inhaling someone else's bad air.
But the last buck just got passed back
to the one who had it first,
and someone who squirmed past me
may have just passed me their germ.

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