Sunday, April 19, 2020

PAD Day 19: A "Two-fer"!

today's prompts from Poetic Asides and NaPoWriMo: (1) Write a poem using the following six words: bump, embrace, lonely, fixture, howl, and resolve; and (2) write a poem based on a "walking archive" - i.e., take a walk around your neighborhood, or even your house, and collect a few objects that interest you, then write about them in a poem. I actually wrote two today - the first one uses just the Poetic Asides prompt, and the second uses both of them. Robert Lee Brewer of Poetic Asides suggested that the six words could be inspiration for a sestina, and I tried to start one, but just didn't have the mojo for it today. Anyway, here's what I came up with:


I miss bumping up against people
on the street, in the subway,
the grocery store.
I miss saying, "Excuse me".
I miss embracing an old friend.
I'm so lonely I want to swing
from a light fixture and howl,
"I miss you all!"
But my resolve kicks in,
and I go back to finishing
my jigsaw puzzle.

Give and Take

Let spring flourish.
Cherish the bloom.
                - messages inside two chocolate Easter candy wrappers

It's hard not to let spring seduce you
on an almost perfect April day.
I decide to clean up the back yard
to make way for the mower.

My first find is a tennis ball -
fuzzy fluorescent green,
a stray from the neighbor kids,
fixtures of spring who whoop and holler
and howl all day playing games in the street.

A few yards further back, a blue jay feather -
white and blue with black stripes,
a lonely quill from one of its wings.

As I pick it up, my head bumps a branch
hanging over my fence - my neighbor's
drooping lilac, purple clusters of flowers
already bowing down.  With his permission,
I cut a few, and resolve to return the favor sometime.

I toss the ball over my other
neighbor's fence, keep the feather
which I can't return, and put the flowers
in a glass of water.  It's been a day
of give and take, and I embrace it
as another gift, to help me forget for a moment
this stay-at-home spring, where outside
so many are giving of themselves,
and so many are being taken from us.


Jenna said...

I really like the conclusion you made at the end of your second poem, and I deeply relate to the first one. So vivid!

Bruce Niedt said...


Vince Gotera said...

Great poems, Bruce. Especially. the first one, which was fun.

Vince Gotera said...

Great poems, Bruce. Especially. the first one, which was fun.