Monday, April 2, 2018

PAD Day 2: Zombies on the Brain

Today's dual prompts from Poetic Asides and NaPoWriMo: (1) write a "portrait" poem, and (2) write a poem that plays with "voice" (i.e., speaking from a different point of view, or from multiple "persons" - first person "I" vs. second person "you", etc.). Maybe because I watched The Walking Dead just last night, this came to mind:

Self-Portrait as a Zombie

I always wondered what I'd look like
after I'm dead, or rather,
when I come back from the dead.

Here's a photo of me after the apocalypse.
My complexion is the color of wet cement,
my eyes sunken into dark sockets.  

I'm drooling like a Saint Bernard,
and several teeth are missing, as is,
inexplicably, my left arm.

There's a deep gash through my right cheek,
and it appears I've lost some intestines.
 Miraculously, I'm still moving,

but I'm shuffling like a sleepwalker.  
Most of you left alive could easily beat me
in a foot race, but if you stumble, you're my dinner.

Sooner or later you'll stop me with a head shot,
and if there is anything left in my brain
other than motor functions,

its last thought will probably be,
I should have taken better care of myself.

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