Tuesday, April 4, 2023

PAD Day 4: A Dream, a Plea

 Today's dual prompts from Write Better Poetry and NaPoWriMo: (1) Write a "dream" and/or "reality" poem, and (2) write a triolet. 

A triolet is one of my favorite forms: an eight-line poem in iambic tetrameter with a rhyme scheme of ABaAabAB, where the capital letters represent repeated lines. (Lines 1, 3 and 7 repeat, as do lines 2 and 8.) I've been thinking an awful lot lately about the plague of gun violence in our country, how shooting seems to have become the de facto means of settling arguments or grievances, and how reluctant our so-called leaders are to do anything about it. Here is my poem.

I dreamt the guns were melted down
for bridges, cars and monuments
to victims in our bloody town.
I dreamt the guns were melted. Down
the chute they went. "We will not drown
in grief or hate." This covenant
I dreamt. The guns were melted down
for bridges, cars and monuments.


Romana Iorga said...

Hear, hear! We could put all that metal to good use. Flawless triolet!

Kerfe said...

an excellent dream

Vince Gotera said...

Whoa, Bruce, powerful poem. Craft-wise, how you change the syntax of the first line in its two returns is marvelous. Congrats.