Tuesday, April 11, 2023

PAD Day 11: Changes on the Diamond

 Today's dual prompts from Write Better Poetry and NaPoWriMo: (1) Write a "form" and/or "anti-form" poem, and "write a poem that takes as its starting point something overheard that made you laugh, or something someone told you once that struck you as funny."

I'm not in sync with the NaPoWriMo prompt right now - guess I'm not in a "funny" mood at the moment. Maybe I'll try to return to it later. Meanwhile, here's my response to the other prompt, in a variation of the "hay(na)ku" called the "hay(na)ku sonnet," created by my friend Vince Gotera. (Check out his web page here - this month he's writing a lot of curtal sonnets.)

Baseball 2023
seismic changes
this new season—
clock, no
shift, bigger bases.
rules, surely
for a reason—
head off
for the races.
Different or same,
still my game.

1 comment:

Vince Gotera said...

Bruce, thanks for the shout out. I'm not consciously doing or planning to write all curtal sonnets. Just happen to have written several so far. I like your hay(na)ku sonnet here. Makes me think of my dad, who was a big baseball fan, esp. of the Giants.