Sunday, April 2, 2023

PAD Day 2 Part 2: Zombies and Tornadoes

Robert Lee Brewer's prompt today is to write a "B-movie" poem. (One of my favorite poems is based on an actual B-movie: Lawrence Raab's "Attack of the Crab Monsters.") Here is mine, which isn't really humorous, but rather foreboding.

We are watching a zombie movie on TV
when the alarm signal blares on our smart phones,
displaying those ominous red triangles:
tornado warning in your area;
seek shelter immediately.
Holding our panic in check,
we walk down to the basement.
As recommended, we stay away from windows.
I grab a heavy blanket in the laundry room
in case we need to cover ourselves
from flying debris.
We pray that our house isn't ripped apart.
Wind and hail batter the panes
for a few moments, then it's suddenly over.
We emerge unscathed,
but what nags at us is that we never
have had so many tornado warnings
in our neighborhood before this year.
Our danger has passed, but
the zombies are still on TV,
wreaking havoc on the countryside.
There are more of them now,
worse than yesterday.

1 comment:

Vince Gotera said...

Good poem, Bruce! Great parallel between the B-movie reality and our own.